Thursday, June 16, 2011

musings and (sometimes) more, the beginning

To be honest, I was fairly certain I would never start a blog again. It's been years since I last blogged, and, in the years since, I have birthed two children and wonder daily (hourly?) if I am going to ever get my kitchen counters clean and brush my teeth more than once a day. Is it unbelievable that I often forget to brush my teeth before leaving the house? I hope some of you understand. If not, I'm imagining there is much in the future content of my blog that will be distasteful, troubling, unfathomable and cause you to slowly shake your head in wonderment at how this grown woman makes it through her days. But, fortunately for you, you have a myriad of blog-reading at your disposal and can quickly click the little "x" in the top corner of your screen and make mine disappear.  :) Really, the thought of blogging has been daunting to me. Would I feel the need to have a lot of depth to my posts? Meat? Something for others to chew on? Yes and No. Maybe someone will read my posts and find something meaningful to take away that will encourage them or help them along in this journey of life. But perhaps more often than not my posts will really be more of a place where I can get the thoughts out of my head - the ones that seem to swirl incessantly. The thoughts that don't necessarily need to be bathed in prayer or set at the foot of the cross, but the ones that simply need a landing place to make room for other ones. That's really what I envision here. If you, the reader, the one on this beautiful adventure of with me, finds something that helps you then Woot! However, if you are just looking for a little fluff or a chuckle at the way I walk through my days, then perhaps you will find that here, too. I will assure you that you will find genuineness here; I am who I am and generally have no problem sharing the lessons I have learned. After all, everything I have gone through has had a purpose. Hopefully I have taken much of the good and bad (and the really bad) and let it be used to shape me more into the likeness of Jesus. May that always be so.

That's about it for me now, as the duties around the house are calling (shouting.) I'd say this is forward movement.  :)      (Oh, and I like smileys & colorful script. This might be a problem for some of you, so be ye warned. Apologies now for any typos I may have overlooked.)

1 comment:

  1. I would love to join your adventure! plz send out a FB or email alert when you have new posts:-) I am not so techno-savvy, but I do love you and your sweet heart! Blessings, j
